Posted by Bangkok Pundit 10/07/2009 10:00:00 AM
UPDATE: A reader points out that Azher Information Technology is known in the publishing industry and they have a website - it seems they use the abbreviation AIT only (seriously google Azher Information Technology on its own and you can find nothing about them).
A reader e-mailed BP to point out that Thaksin recently launched a new book in English entitled. The reader said it was released last month in Dubai. Googling around for information there is very little aside from the blurb below from this bookstore with branches in Malaysia and Singapore.
Tackling Povertyby Thaksin ShinawatraISBN: 9789948152392Price: SGD 30.00 (w/o GST) Sep 2009Asian Interest - Hardback, 202 pp.Azher Information TechnologyIn this book, the former leader takes readers through the cornerstones of his economic reforms—how they came about, how they were developed and the effects they had on millions of lives.
He discusses how his policies successfully reduced poverty in Thailand, and why, if adapted on a global scale, they could have the same effect across the world.BP: Googled the publisher and they publish a magazine called "Saudi Auto", but that is it. There is no other information about the publisher or even the book in English. A look through the electronic copies of the Thai papers showed most had a very small article 2 weeks ago (ie Thai Rath's article) with just the basic details of book.
This seemed a little surprising given one would imagine the purpose of such a book was for some self-promotion.Was wondering if the book was real, but, upon asking, Thaksin confirmed via twitter that it was and it will soon be translated into Thai.
One would imagine he would want more publicity then...The reader* provides some excerpts:
“I guess you could describe what happened in Thailand when I was Prime Minister as a grand pilot project for the world, to prove that in a very short period of time a country’s economy can be completely over hauled and the levels of poverty dramatically reduced.”“Brick by brick I effectively set about rebuilding the economy” he claims.“This book will also cover my battles with the mafia.
“I guess you could describe what happened in Thailand when I was Prime Minister as a grand pilot project for the world, to prove that in a very short period of time a country’s economy can be completely over hauled and the levels of poverty dramatically reduced.”“Brick by brick I effectively set about rebuilding the economy” he claims.“This book will also cover my battles with the mafia.
The effort I made to cracks down on corruption in the country….and examples on how doing so can quickly bring greater prosperity”On the war on drugs he says – “one of my biggest battles wit the mafia was with drugs…I launched a campaign aimed at eradicating methamphetamine use in three months. I did this by making everyone in the process more accountable…for me the issue was never about whether I was right to take on the mafia and their drug barons, it was about how long it would take to succeed.
I knew that in the process I would make many powerful enemies, it would cost my life (there were several assassination threats) and at the very least, it would cost me my job – which it did.”“Looking back I was so busy looking after the poor people that I forgot to take care of the elite. And they are the ones who came back to bite me and force me out of power.”
BP: Thaksin's plan for world domination? :) The reader also notes that the book has grandiose schemes for solving poverty in 8 years...
*Have no way of confirming the excerpts, but the reader has e-mailed with information a number of times in the past and is using a work e-mail address with their name.
If Thaksin remain in power, poverty will be in place almost across the board nationwide, with him raking in billions and billions.
How do you know?What information do you have to confirm this?Or is it you bias talking?
Another quote from the book - you could not make this stuff up:Page 81: "I genuinely believe and know from my own experience that no matter how good your policies on healthcare and education are, it is only when governments root out corruption that the poor really can access what they need to access progress."
Will Thaksin has the chance to coming back???At this moment and within2 years, I see no chance for him!!!But present government has to do things to make thai better, as least as a destination for world tourists.............Offer more to tourists and give them some incentives.eg can buy mote tax-free products(eg three bottles of liquors, five cartons of cigarattees..free-tax chocolates, free flow of Gold).........more businessmaen will come, tourists will come....... enter Thai